Nov 22, 2016

Free Class on Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and DevOps!

Our beloved Chief Code Whisperer, M. Scott Ford, was invited — again — to be a guest lecturer at the Harvard Extension School (video below).

During the Agile Software Development class, taught by Richard Kasperowski, Scott lectured on continuous integration, continuous delivery, and DevOps. More specifically, he covered where to get started, the development environment, questions you should be asking yourself, practices and tools, the essence of continuous delivery, main goals, testing, automated deployments, zero-downtime deployments, and so much more.

Scott even provides — as chosen by class vote —, an overview and demo of software containerization platform Docker, which they briefly dubbed “Fun with Docker.”

Don’t miss this FREE class from our own “Bob Vila of the Internet” (and special thanks to Trainer and Coach Richard Kasperowski, Teaching Assistant Wendy Wong, the Harvard Extension School, and the amazing students in the class):

Agile Software Development: November 14, 2016 from Richard Kasperowski on Vimeo.

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