Thoughts on software remodeling and legacy code.
  • You Are Not Your Stereotype
    Aug 4, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    Stereotype threat is especially pervasive in technology. For women, this manifests as the “girls are bad at math” stereotype. For men, it's more often “you have no social skills.”

  • How We Use Daily Journals
    Aug 2, 2016 Written by Nickie McCabe

    One of the most important expectations we have for all team members is that he or she keep a daily journal. While I was skeptical when we first started this practice, now I can’t imagine our team functioning without it.

  • Renaming Rails Models: A Do-Over Approach
    Jul 21, 2016 Written by Don Denoncourt

    The process of renaming models in Rails can be very error prone. To just start renaming files and changing class names and search-replace variable names is fraught with peril -- so I figured having the ability to repeat the process, in essence fix my scripting mistakes and “do-over,” was important.

  • We're Excited about Docker Distributed Application Bundles
    Jun 22, 2016 Written by M. Scott Ford

    Docker's new Distributed Application Bundles are an exciting development. They have the potential to be revolutionary for describing the structure of a distributed application and making that description something that can be deployed as a single file.

  • A Mob of Corgis
    Jun 12, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    An experience report of using Mob Programming at Corgibytes. Trust, which was already high, became even stronger. Clients became more engaged and several commented on how much value they were getting from working with the Corgibytes team. When clients felt like they were getting more value, sales, grew, too.

  • Communication Is Just As Important As Code
    Jun 6, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    I had the pleasure of keynoting at Ruby Nation where I expanded on one of the core values at Corgibytes: Communication Is Just As Important As Code. This post is pretty much a transcript of my talk. I got great feedback and am looking forward to presenting on this topic more.

  • Building Software with the Empathy Spectrum
    May 27, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    If we want our developers to have more empathy for our customers, we as employers need to have more empathy for developers. We need to cast off the stereotype of good developers being only those people who are emotionless, data-driven, Spock-like caricatures, and embrace the fact that as humans, we all experience emotion.

  • Portrait of an IBMi Modernization Project
    May 9, 2016 Written by Don Denoncourt

    I’m going to list tools and strategies that a state-of-the-art application development project should be using. Essentially a portrait of the infrastructure of a successful IBMi application start. I’ll start with suggestions on dealing with the daunting task of selecting a language and framework. Then, I’ll recommend tools for source control, testing, editing, collaborative communication, knowledge base management, and project management. And I’ll finish with some considerations for RPG integration strategies and database enhancements.

  • How We at Corgibytes Developed Our Core Values
    Apr 28, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    At Corgibytes, we have five core values: Think of Others, Calm the Chaos, Communication is Just as Important as Code, Adopt a Growth Mindset, and Craftsmanship in Context. These values are the nucleus of our company: the center of all decisions, big and small, for the Corgibytes executive team and staff. Here's a look at each one in detail.

  • Engineers, Interruptibility, and Inception Layers
    Apr 15, 2016 Written by Andrea Goulet

    How do you interrupt your engineers appropriately? At Corgibytes, we use Inception Layers do describe how interruptible we are.