Thoughts on software remodeling and legacy code.
  • An Executive's Guide to Software Security: Lessons from Equifax’s (Preventable) Security Breach
    Sep 27, 2017 Written by Andrea Goulet

    Yesterday, the CEO of Equifax resigned after 143 million Americans personal data was compromised in a security breach. Since I own a company that focuses on upgrading custom software, I'm getting lots of calls from concerned executives wondering if their systems are secure. After all, if Equifax could get hacked, that makes you think what would happen if your customer data was compromised, right?

  • Charlottesville Response
    Aug 14, 2017 Written by Andrea Goulet

    This weekend, white supremacists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia and committed terrorist attacks against people protesting their intimidation. Three people died and many more were injured as a result. In light of these attacks, and the Google Memo last week complaining about hiring practices that promote racial and gender diversity while ignoring ideological diversity, I felt compelled to write an internal memo to my team to help them process these events and make clear Corgibytes' stance on diversity.

  • Square Zero: Hidden Habits You Need For A Successful Career in Tech
    Jul 19, 2017 Written by Andrea Goulet

    Many programming languages use what’s called zero-based indexing. Counting starts at zero, not one. When building your career in tech, know there are invisible forces at play that are obvious once you uncover them. If you navigate your career without understanding this hidden framework, you’ll usually come up with the wrong answer. Let's take a peek at some of these hidden habits that are likely holding you back.

  • Interactive Notebooks - Part 2: Getting Advanced with nteract
    Jun 13, 2017 Written by M. Scott Ford

    As mentioned in my introductory post on the topic, while doing research for another article, I dug into nteract pretty deeply. It's how I like to learn about new things. nteract ships with the ability to run JavaScript code in notebooks, and I was wondering if it had the ability to do more than that. What I discovered revealed an entirely new level of awesome for using interactive notebooks.

  • Open Source Sustainability
    May 29, 2017 Written by M. Scott Ford

    Open source sustainability has been on our minds lately. We think that we could help a lot, but we're not exactly sure what that should look like.

  • Stop Treating Digital Weapons Like Biological Weapons
    May 15, 2017 Written by M. Scott Ford

    Our Chief Code Whisperer, M. Scott Ford, shares his thoughts about the WannaCry/WannaCrypt malware and reinforces a call for a Digital Geneva Convention.

  • Bash Tips - Tip 1
    May 2, 2017 Written by David Grieser

    Recently, I was pairing with a developer on a client's team. He was stuck and couldn't figure out how to fix the problem. I had a look and guided him through a series of bash and other shell commands until we found the solution. After thanking me -- he had been at it for hours -- he asked me 'How do you know all of this?'

  • npm Scripts: Tips Everyone Should Know
    Apr 18, 2017 Written by Kamil Ogórek

    npm is not only the package manager for JavaScript, it's also used to set up tooling around your codebase. Linters, transpilers, testing, and servers. Everything can be configured and run using the very same thing. Basic usage is really simple, too.

  • Hello, TDD!
    Apr 11, 2017 Written by Tiffany Gill

    Have you ever had one of those “down-the-rabbit-hole” experiences, in which one idea sends you careening through a wormhole of thought? Such a journey often yields unexpected results, yet the “mind map” of your travels can actually be even more surprising. Well, it was one such “Eureka!” moment that convinced me of the parallels between the classic Hello, World! program and Test-Driven Development (TDD).

  • Interactive Notebooks - Part 1: Getting Started with nteract
    Apr 4, 2017 Written by M. Scott Ford

    In this two-part post, I explain what are interactive notebooks, why we'd want to use them, and how to get started with the nteract desktop program.